Not about RVing at all….but a different kind of ticks

This one is about polly-ticks – arguably the “ticks” that draw the most blood.

Yes, I write about that despicable subject, too. I am as interested in government, news, and  politics,  as I am in traveling and RVing. It probably came from all my years as a newspaper reporter. 

So I’m transitioning this blog to cover more topics, since circumstances beyond our control have made it impossible to continue to live and travel full-time in our motorhome. And I can’t remember numerous passwords for different blogs.  But I still write in my pjs. And we still run away in our RV any chance we get for as long as we can.

What has me wondering today is just plain history, not even politics, but bare facts. 

Fact is, when Bill Clinton left office the country was in the black. The economy was fine. But when George W. Bush left office the economy was a mess. The deficit was staggering and most working Americans had suffered heartbreaking losses in their retirement investments. It was especially devastating for those of us near retirement. (We were in that group).

Why would people want to go back to losing their money by electing another Republican to ruin the economy? It’s a fact of this country’s modern history that every time a Republican has been elected president, the economy  has stalled and the middle class has become poorer. And every time a Democrat has followed a Republican administration, the Democrat has fixed the economy. It was best accomplished with Democrat majorities in the Senate and House.  Amazingly, the Obama administration has still advanced the economy the last four years with Republican majorities in both houses fighting to sabotage his every effort.  

That’s our money – yours and mine – Congress tried to keep us from regaining by opposing the president’s efforts to restore the economy. Sure, their aim was just to cause the president to fail, but a failing economy means we all fail – so Congress sat in Washington on our dime and did all they could do to cause our country’s economy to fail and our personal earnings and savings to lose?  And people would vote for any of them? They should be prosecuted for working against their country and the people they are supposed to represent.

Look at some things the Republican House & Senate control completely; Seniors, where are your Social Security raises? Workers, where are the laws to mandate your raises? Where are the laws to penalize big business for taking jobs overseas? Where is the funding to fight ZIKA? Where are the laws to help keep workers safe?  Republicans have the majority, they could have passed any of these laws and more.  They could have given you raises. They could have raised military pay.  They could have done any number of  good things for the people. 

Instead, Congress got a good raise, and you’re paying more for the products the 1% produce and sell, aren’t you?    What has the Republican-controlled House and Senate  done to help the average American citizen? What? One thing? Just one?

Under Republicans, the suffering poor suffer more. We all lose money. And only the tiny percentage of very, very rich at the top of the pinnacle prosper. Not us. Not even those with a million or so, not those earning a wage, not those barely getting by, not those on fixed incomes, not even those who own businesses and have made profits; none of us do well under a Republican administration in recent history. 

It is the economical, historical, truth. And why so many in this country want to vote to make themselves poorer while making the top 1 to 3 percent richer is beyond me to understand. People, we aren’t in that group. No one I know is in that group.

It’s illogical that so many are willing to keep giving the 1% what they want at their own expense. It must amaze the 1%, too. Is it because people want to fancy themselves part of the elite?  98-99 percent are not. One or two percent of the richest Americans and their big corporations own our congress. The Republicans quite obviously do what the richest of the rich tell them to do on every issue.

Stop voting against yourself. Sometimes it is most clear who not to vote for. Voting Republican is voting against ourselves, our children and grandchildren. Just stop it.

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